Quick Strike Podcast: Tips for Catching West-Coast Winter Steelhead

A wild Pacific steelhead is one of the most coveted fish in the country. Because different groups of steelhead run rivers during varying seasons, it’s possible to target them in the Northwest practically year-round. But what many anglers don’t realize is that the winter months increase your odds of sticking the ultimate goal: a trophy class, bright chrome fish fresh out of saltwater. This, of course, requires some dedication.
My buddy Josh Mills, a board member of the Wild Steelhead Coalition, lives in Washington and is positively obsessed with steelhead. Though his passion is flyfishing, the key principles he’s learned can increase your chances of success in winter — no matter if you’re fishing egg sacks, jigs, beads, spoons, or back trolling. In this game, the ‘how’ matters less than the ‘where’ and ‘why,’ because the reality is that there simply aren’t as many fish in the river as you’ll find in Great Lakes tributaries where they’ve been planted. So, if you’re considering a trip to the steelhead Promised Land — whether DIY or with a guide — here are some of Mills’ best tips to get you in the ballpark. As for how much you have to swing before hitting that homer, well, that’s in the hands of the fish gods.
Be Ready for the Change-Up
Conditions on coastal rivers in the Pacific Northwest can change quickly. That’s not unique to this region, but it can be more drastic than in other parts of the country in winter where flows tend to be lower as water is held back by ice or a lack of rain. It rains often in West Coast steelhead country this time of year. Factor in the higher elevations and water levels can be altered severely right before your eyes.
“In steelheading, you’re always trying to time a trip perfectly with ideal conditions, but good luck,” Mills says. “You get one storm that dumps a half an inch of rain upriver, and it’ll blow out fast. I’ve literally been hit with a Biblical flood. We got a couple of hours of fishing and then trees started washing down stream.”
Mills doesn’t point that out to scare anyone off, but to help anglers understand the need to be flexible. Have a plan B or secondary river in mind — not all waters will be affected the same by sudden changes. As in all fishing, what you’re ultimately hoping for is stability. Winter may be great for huge, bright fish, but it lacks in that department.
Walk & Cover
On the East Coast, it’s not uncommon for anglers to park on choice runs. Either they believe there are steelhead holding there that will bite eventually or they think a fresh fish will move in. It’s a fine tactic when you have a lot of fish in the system, but you don’t out West, so Mills stresses the importance of moving.
“Covering water is paramount,” he says. “Once you’ve worked through a pool, unless you see fish or get some sort of positive interaction, keep moving. I never want to anger a fish into an aggression strike. I’m always looking for the one that’s a player, the one that wants to feed. So, it helps to be in decent shape out here. Plus, in the winter there is only so much daylight, so I want to hit as many likely runs as possible in the time I have.”
According to Mills, steelhead are inherently lazy. They’re not going to expend more energy than necessary to hold in place. They’re going to conserve energy for the burst of speed they need to navigate rapids and faster water. So with that in mind, if Mills had to peg one kind of water to focus on, it would be runs where the current is moving at a walking pace loaded with bottom structure that the fish can tuck behind.
Gear Up Right
People forget that much of the Pacific Northwest is covered by rain forest. Even if the air is milder in winter, plan on fishing in the rain. Also, understand that wading rivers in this region can be challenging because of the geography. According to Mills, it is not the place to fish with unreliable gear.
“Rivers five miles away from each other can have completely different bottom structures,” he says. “That’s why I lean on wading boots with studded felt soles. That sort of covers all my bases on different styles of rock. Some of our rivers are difficult enough to wade just based on flows and how the channels change, so it’s important to have tough waders and boots you trust.”
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A quality Gore-TEX rain jacket that will actually keep you dry is also a must. The glory of that chrome on the end of your line is often a product of hours standing waist deep in water while more water falls from above, and if you’re uncomfortable, you’re less likely to stick it out long enough to feel that epic grab.
Read the full article here