FEMA Will Never Take Your Stockpile If You Hide It Here

A fake electronic outlet.
The bottom of a fake plant.
A false bottom drawer.
All these might sound nice to the unexperienced eye, but there’s no way your whole stockpile will ever fit into those small places.
I think you’re just as tired as I am of unrealistic prepping ”hacks” that AI-authored articles call ”game-changing”. So let’s cut the BS: what I’m about to show you in this piece has a real use in your life and I’m certain it will make a difference once disaster strikes.
I didn’t come up with any of these places so I can’t take credit for them.
I have taken all this information from The Special Forces Home Defense Academy, taught by former Green Beret and military expert, Terry Schappert.
Don’t Hide Everything In One Place
Spread your goods all over your home and property. Here’s something that most people forget though: always keep a sacrificial stash to surrender if authorities start tearing your house apart looking for stockpiles. Make sure to act like it’s the end of the world when they take it! That will stop them from looking for more hidden stashes.
Be Mindful Of The Temperature
Speaking strictly of food here, no matter where you decide to hide it, you have to keep in mind that spaces like the roof, attic or under the house are pretty vulnerable to hot/cold cycles and moisture.
That’s why I think one of the best options you got is this next one.
Scatter Your Stockpiles Around Your House
Start with the walls.
FEMA agents aren’t going to wander around your home knocking on every single wall and straining to hear if they’re hollow or not. Find an unfinished basement or attic where the wood framing is exposed. The wood can be used as shelving units. Add a piece of drywall or plywood in front to completely conceal your new hiding place.
Stairs are also a good idea.
The empty space beneath your stairs could be used as a great hiding spot – otherwise, it’s just an area that sits empty and goes to waste. You could also turn your steps into drawers, if you like DIY projects. I think this might just be one of the most ingenious ways you can also create extra storage.
The same goes for floorboards.
This is a great way to use an empty space to store your survival food rations. Just make sure the opening isn’t super obvious, or you can hide it with a heavy object like a couch, table or even a rug.
If you have a large closet, don’t forget about its floor either! This is another place people wouldn’t normally think to look for emergency supplies – making it the perfect place to hide them!
Consider the bath panel too! You just stash your supplies after taking the panel off and then put it back on once you’ve finished.
Building extra shelves under your bed could also work for you. This is where I store my gun stash. It’s retractable and no one pays attention to it thanks to the way I designed it.
Finally, think of any hard-to-access places like a crawl space. They are cool and dark, offering you the perfect conditions to keep your survival food there AND extend its shelf life! Just make sure you keep your food in tightly sealed containers, just like you would if you buried it. This could be your safe-haven storage area.
Bury Your Stockpile
Don’t throw away your old freezer! Instead, bury it to hide some of your supplies. You can easily conceal it with a small pile of firewood and bags of mulch. Just make sure your neighbors aren’t keeping an eye on you as you do that.
But you don’t necessarily need to bury a freezer to hide your stockpile. You can bury a lot of things without actually digging a hole. Set your supplies in the ground and build something similar to a Hugelkultur or raised beds on top of it!
If you are building a greenhouse, workshop, shed or something else, when you start breaking ground, you could also use that space to store long-term preps either in the ground or in the concrete that you are pouring to make the base of that structure. If your supplies don’t require temperature control, you can build a wooden frame for that structure and hide everything there.
Related: Security Mistakes You’re Probably Making On Your Property
If the area you live in has extreme weather conditions, make sure you bury your stockpile in a waterproof container to protect them from flooding or moisture. Cover your supplies with a heavy tarp or a piece of plywood, and no one will be able to dig it up!
Unfortunately, most people make a very common mistake when burying their stockpile. I suggest you watch this video so you avoid ruining it.
Don’t think that not finding anything initially will stop FEMA. They will probably return. And when they find you healthy, well-armed, and well-fed, while everyone else is skin and bones what then?
Related: How to Looter-Proof Your Home
To tell you the truth, there’s no way you can hide everything – that’s why having a few strategically placed distractions throughout your house is such a good idea, so that they can find them and be done with tearing your home apart. The obvious places I mentioned in the beginning of the article and the ”fake” stockpile will probably convince them that they managed to find everything you had hidden away.
The Special Forces Home Defense Academy is a series of masterclasses that reveal ingenious methods, tactics and secret tricks special operators use to protect their own property. They will come in great need especially in a crisis when law enforcement can’t be depended on anymore.
The things you’ll learn in this Academy… I have never seen some of these shared before anywhere else.
Here’s just a glimpse at what’s waiting inside:
- Anti-Looter Tactics You Should Learn Before It’s Too Late
- How to Get Instant Revenge on Looters
- A Simple Zip Tie Technique That Will Properly Secure Your Garage Doors
- The Tell-Tale Signs That 3-Letter Agencies Are Tracking Your Right Now
- How to Avoid Being Targeted During Civil Unrest
- The #1 Item That Should Never Be Missing From Your First Aid Kit
And many other things I probably shouldn’t be telling you about here.
Below is a picture of the beautiful diploma I received after I completed the Special Forces Home Defense Academy.
It looks like the instructor has opened it to the public again! Click here to find out more about this Academy and take advantage of a special discount.
Hiding your preps is fail-safe. If your ″main″ stockpile is found and taken by FEMA, you still have a backup plan. That’s my motto: a backup for my backups.
Stay vigilant and stay safe!
Article written by Frank Braun and initially posted on Self Sufficient Projects
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