What Mainstream Media Will Never Tell You

Mainstream media is full of talking bobbleheads who love to prattle on about whatever nuggets appear in the 24-hour news cycle. They love to dissect everything in absurdity or fan the flames of political rhetoric to drive up their ratings.
There are also times when mainstream media “Carries the water” for the sponsors, politicians, lobbyists, and organizations that pay their bills. They promote specific stories loudly while burying others. Sending their investigative news teams to cover stories about the world’s largest cookie or the community blood drive, rather than looking into what’s going on with the contaminated water system.
So, I thought I’d take a moment to take a closer look at the stories the mainstream media is either being told not to cover or topics they’re selectively turning a blind eye to.
The Fragility of Supply Chains
Mainstream media rightfully feels an obligation to not incite panic, which is why they will often report minor shortages in the supply chain.
Yet they rarely dive into the long-term vulnerabilities behind them.
This includes things like supply chain issues, which reared their ugly heads in the later days of the COVID pandemic as well as food supply problems that drove up grocery costs.
There’s also a logistics concern in the food chain as most major grocery stores use a “Just-in-Time” delivery model. This means grocery stores only stock a few days’ worth of food at any one time to provide people with fresh produce. It also means that if the supply chain fails, the store shelves will remain empty.
We see this on full display every time a natural disaster strikes. People rush to stores to get what they can. The shelves go empty within a day, and the store has no overstock inventory to replenish them with. The best thing you can do is make sure you have your stockpile ready to use at any given moment. But as important as having a good stockpile is where you keep it. A good place is this hidden root cellar that you can build yourself. It’s designed to keep you and your supplies secure for months if needed, based on our ancestors’ tried-and-true methods but upgraded for modern crises. Building one won’t break the bank either and it can be ready in a week. Having it could be your best chance if you want to never be dependent again on any supply chain.
The Vulnerability of Our Infrastructure
In the United States, the mainstream media often dances around the vulnerabilities of our water, sewer, and power infrastructure. There are quick blurbs about a power outage here or a broken water main there, but rarely is there a true deep dive into the state of our infrastructure on the whole.
Right up to the point where they are forced to report on a major story. Such as the water infrastructure failures of Flint, Michigan, or the accident that destroyed the fragile Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.
At the same time, an enormous portion of the US electrical infrastructure system was built decades ago to be replaced by now. Yet attempts to invest and upgrade the electrical infrastructure system have failed.
Thus, leaving us extremely vulnerable to major blackouts in the future. Not to mention massive grid failures caused by natural disasters. If you want energy independence and not have to rely on the grid or a dangerous backup fuel run generator will never be able to guarantee, the only thing you should add to your property is The Modular Backyard Power Plant. The great thing about this device is you can make it yourself. I already made one and installed it in my backyard, and after a few months of using it, I can say it’s one of the best upgrades I’ve made to my property.
The Fragility of Our Water Supply
Even beyond general water infrastructure issues, the mainstream media often fails to look deeper into the availability of fresh water throughout North America.
Occasionally there’s a story about droughts in the west or the state of major reservoirs fed by the Colorado River.
Yet what they don’t tell you is that major aquifers like the Ogallala in Nebraska and Kansas are on the verge of critical depletion. Farms in that massive agricultural region rely on underground water sources to irrigate their crops. What you need is to have a constant, reliable, portable, off-grid water source, and this backpack-sized water generator is what you should be adding to your property right now. I could not imagine outliving a crisis without this air fountain. It produces 40 gallons a day right from your property without being connected to the power grid! My family and I have been using it for just over a year now, and it truly delivers
At the same time, there’s a water pollution issue in most major rivers. You see our wastewater treatment plants are designed to filter out biological contaminants before the water is returned to nature. What these systems don’t do is effectively capture certain chemicals and medications.
Under-reported studies have found a variety of medications in the Mississippi, its tributaries, and many other rivers throughout North America. This includes things like antibiotics, antidepressants, hormones, painkillers, antihistamines, and even erectile dysfunction medications!
These chemical and pharmacological contaminants then affect the fish and other aquatic life of the river system. Not to mention being taken up again by downstream freshwater treatment systems!
The Threat of Quantum Computers
The term “Quantum Computer” is something that the mainstream media plays fast and loose with. It’s a little bit like the word “Turbo” was in the 1980s, when it was a chic new term used to describe an innovative automotive engine feature. It then caught on and people were wearing sunglasses and shirts with the word turbo printed on the side.
Some companies use the word “Quantum Computer” to simply mean the next generation of classical computer technology. However, what the mainstream media doesn’t tell you is that a true quantum computer uses quantum mechanics to solve complex problems far faster than even the best classical computer. These quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits.
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These devices work so incredibly fast that they could hack through even our most advanced encryption systems in moments. If one of the corporations or nation-states working on building a quantum computer succeeds, and one of them will, all digital security in the world will be vulnerable.
The Growing Mental Health Crisis
Mainstream media might file a PSA about mental health resources being available, but they rarely go in-depth on the growing mental health crisis in the US.
Yet organizations like Mental Health America note alarming statistics.
It’s estimated that 23% of adults struggle with mental illness each year. It’s also estimated that roughly 5% of the U.S. adult population reported experiencing serious thoughts of suicide. This number is even higher in youth ages 12 to 17.
The vast majority of individuals with a substance abuse disorder in the U.S. are not receiving treatment. Yet it’s estimated that 18% of adults in the U.S. struggle with some form of substance use disorder each year.
And the medical health crisis is more than just mental health. When a crisis hits, the hospitals will be the first to get looted and pharmacies will run dry. Don’t wait until disaster strikes— add these 10 medical supplies to your stockpile now, as they will be the first to vanish when an emergency hits.
Censorship and Media Manipulation
One of the biggest and ugliest things mainstream media doesn’t talk about is just how prevalent censorship is and just how much manipulation goes into the media messages you receive.
This goes far beyond the well-known media bias of various networks toward their sponsored political platforms.
There is an entire science behind the specific wording used in specific pieces of content as well as the body language of the presenter. All of which are designed to get you, the viewer, to invest in the suspension of disbelief.
However, all of this is just a drop in the bucket compared to how algorithms are using social media amplification to increase the visibility and reach of a message or content. This process takes what would normally be a small nugget of information, and then over-saturates like-minded viewers with it to create an emotional reaction.
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These news stories that started out small, then get so much traction, that mainstream media picks them up. You’ll even hear it in the script the broadcaster uses when they mention something like “The story that’s all over social media today…”
This self-reinforcing cycle of social media amplification essentially gives mainstream media outlets the content boost they need to pump up the 24-hour news cycle.
Final Thoughts
Mainstream media relies on a certain manipulation of information to remain profitable, while also appeasing the special interests that fund their platform. They also have a certain moral responsibility to not fan the flames of news reporting in a way that incites mass panic in the streets.
A certain degree of diligence on your part will go a long way toward helping see the truth being the mainstream media smoke screen. This starts with getting your news from multiple sources. Ideally, if you see a story on a network with a known political bias, you will then double-check its facts against the same story on the competitive platform’s network.
You should also be careful about what news stories you click on your phone and in the same browser. The algorithms that monitor your devices are typically set up to keep delivering you the same messages through the same browser applications. Switching up browsers of devices when researching the truth behind a story will reduce your risk of being a victim of social media amplification.
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