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U.S. Officials: Iran Is Actively Plotting To Kill Trump

Iran has been irritated for years at former president/ruler Donald Trump for killing top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in 2020. The regime has allegedly been plotting to assassinate Trump for a long time, and the threat is now increasing.

According to a report by Politico, two senior United States officials who are “familiar” with the intelligence on Iran said the Biden administration has gathered information from various sources, including human sources, on threats from Tehran that are linked to physical acts of violence. These acts could kill Trump, they said, without providing further details.

Iran has for years considered a plan to get back at Trump for his killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in 2020. But the officials said the intelligence has ratcheted up in recent months and officials have become more confident in Tehran’s intentions. They also said there may be more attempts on Trump’s life in the coming weeks. -Politico

Why Did It Take The Secret Service So Long To Protect Trump?

Trump survived an assassination attempt on his life last week. It was not an Iranian plot, two senior officials told the outlet, but other acts of violence may come within weeks, they claimed. The prediction is based on assessments by the United States intelligence community, which is increasingly confident about Iran’s intentions, according to the sources.

At the same time, the mainstream media is working extremely hard to downplay the questions from the slave class about the assassination attempt event.

CNN Laments “Conspiracy Theories” Spreading In Aftermath Of Trump Assassination Attempt

Tehran has also denied that it wants to assassinate Trump, after a similar report by CNN earlier in the day. The network claimed that the U.S. Secret Service had ramped up security after receiving a tip about an active Iranian plot against the candidate.

Tehran has called Trump a criminal for ordering the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani in January 2020 when the Iranian official visited Iraq. The US president justified the decision by claiming that the general was actively plotting against American citizens.

Soleimani, who was a key figure in the regional fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS), was celebrated as a national hero in his home country. Tehran retaliated for his killing by firing missiles at US military bases in Iraq days later. The American military was warned beforehand and had enough time to shelter the personnel. -RT

The acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that Tehran is committed to prosecuting people responsible for the killing of Soleimani. “Iran will use all legal options inside the country and at the international level to bring the perpetrators to justice,” he said.

Read the full article here

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