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Prepping & Survival

REAL FREEDOM Has Never Existed in Our World

Unfortunately, most people have no idea what freedom means. They can’t define it, let alone live it. We are currently living under a type of slavery, and just because it isn’t overt chattel slavery, doesn’t make it moral.

The world yearns for concepts such as natural rights and freedoms, yet when it comes to actually putting these into practice, can most people even define what is freedom? That’s the question from Cory Edmund Endrulat, author of the book Slavery Gone For Good. Endrulat, along with many others who can see the reality crafted around us, correctly asserts that real freedom has never existed at least on our plane of existence and world.

If we don’t know what freedom is, we are likely going to lose it. Considering we don’t have it, and never did, most people can’t define it. Freedom is not “permission” and the “permits” the ruling classes and governments give to people to “allow” them to do things. This means most people are only semi-free in certain aspects of their life. None of us have control over the fruits of our labor, because a large portion is stolen from us to fund political overlords. That right there proves we are not free and no amount of voting will change that.

As Endrulat says in a recent video, “Freedom means being able to live as you please,” and not at the whims of your master or ruler. As long as one does not take away someone else’s freedom, we should be able to live in any manner we see fit.

Endrulat excels at breaking down the rather simple idea that has been complicated in the minds of the masses thanks to the psychological games played by the ruling class. We have to be able to “bypass the mental slavery” that has been instilled into humanity since each of us was born.

Abolitionists Understand True Freedom: It’s Time For The Rest Of Us To Understand It Too

Freedom is not free. However, what it doesn’t require is soldiers standing ready to create war or invade in order to keep a ruling class in a position of power. We, as humans, have to figure this out. Freedom requires the mind to break free and see that this state of absolute freedom is our birthright. None of us were put here to serve anyone and ask permission to do things as we are stripped of what we own to fund the masters.

We “must own up” to our own freedom, Endrulat says. Anything less than living the life you choose is slavery. We should be able to free ourselves from the illusion that we are free.

It’s much harder to see mental slavery than it is to recognize chattel slavery. But, it’s all the same. How do we exercise freedom in an unfree world? It’s simple, but not easy. Endrualt says that with a greater understanding and greater application, it will become easier. The first step is the hardest, and that is to admit that we aren’t free.

The Path To Freedom & Abolishing Slavery

Endrulat’s book is incredibly eye-opening and shows just how evil and disturbing the type of slavery humanity lives under today. 

What is slavery? Do you know how to define slavery?

Does slavery still exist?

Is slavery natural?

You may have been taught about slavery in school, but there’s more to what you must know! In this audiobook, you will learn everything you need to know about slavery.

What you will learn in Slavery Gone for Good:


  • Simple and clear definitions of slavery, freedom, rights, and more!
  • A brief history of slavery
  • How slavery manifests
  • The different forms of slavery
  • A unique perspective based solely on common sense (reason), equality, and justice, not any ideology
  • Over 50 quotes from former slaves, abolitionists, philosophers, and more!
  • The mentalities involved with slavery
  • What you can teach others and your children, and for generations to come!
  • Unifying and timeless principles that can be learned and utilized worldwide!
  • A more inquisitive view of slavery with a unique question-and-answer format
  • Practical action steps, both individual and collective, for freedom!
  • Requirements for the abolition of slavery
  • How you are contributing to slavery
  • Common views of definitions versus more clarified and descriptive definitions
  • Resources to expand upon the topics presented, for this knowledge that few people are presently aware of!

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” (Frederick Douglass, former slave, and abolitionist)

Read the full article here

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