Iowa County Pushes Flu Vaccines As Fear Mongering Over “Dual Infection” Begins

Iowa’s Johnson County Health Department is pushing the flu vaccine, claiming that it will prevent a “dual infection” of the seasonal flu virus and the bird flu. It will also, somehow, keep a new virus from being created.
We haven’t heard much about how a vaccine will stop a virus from mutating and becoming a different one altogether. But the fear over bird flu is getting higher by the day, and those in the ruling class seem to be itching to inject the population with another rushed and untested mRNA “vaccine.” For now, though, they appear to be settling for pushing the bird flu shot on everyone.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bird flu cases are being found in humans. It reports that there have been 66 human cases so far, including one in Iowa. “That case was number 61 across the nation, I believe at the moment right now,” said Sam Jarvis, Community Health Division Manager with Johnson County Public Health.
Jarvis is now urging more Iowans to get the flu vaccine not because it can help prevent someone from getting bird flu, but to prevent a new virus from forming. Since the flu vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting the flu, what is the point? Vaccines literally introduce the virus into the body so it can be recognized by the immune system, allegedly preventing illness.
Flu Vaccines Are Neither Safe Nor Effective
But isn’t the bird flu already in some humans? Doesn’t that mean it’s already mutated to infect that particular species? However according to KCRG, a local ABC News affiliate, state data shows the number of Iowans receiving the flu vaccines, particularly in young children, is down from years past, and the CDC shows a high rate of flu cases in the state.
Are low numbers of flu vaccine uptake the real reason why health “experts” are suggesting the public get injected? Most likely, because there shouldn’t be any way for the flu vaccine to prevent a mutation of the bird flu virus. That makes little sense when even just a small amount of critical thinking is applied. However, all efforts to push germ theory and make it commanding have been pulled out since COVID-19. If the rulers think even for a second that the public is going to buy the propaganda, they will go with it regardless of how illogical it seems.
The Johnson County Health Department released a video with Doctor Melanie Wellington, a UIHC doctor and a member of the Johnson County Board of Health. She explains how these two viruses infecting a cell could combine and form a virus we’ve never seen before.
“When new copies of the virus would be made, it would put a copy of each segment in there, but it wouldn’t pay attention to whether that segment came from the bird flu or the human flu,” said Dr. Wellington. “Just like that, a cobbled new flu virus could be cobbled together from the other two viruses, and it would be something new that nobody would know how to respond to.”
Nobody? What about big pharma? They seem to love to invent new shots for humans that are “safe and effective,” while making billions of dollars doing so.
The CDC claims that dual infections are “rare”, but if that rare event occurs, it might, theoretically cause a virus with a new combination of genes. That virus could be a real threat to public health. This could be the plan from the beginning since COVID-19 wasn’t even something that’s existence was proven. But Jarvis says getting the flu vaccine is “smart” and it will protect you now and reduce the risk of a new virus forming.
“It’s protection from the two viruses from mixing together,” said Jarvis.
Read the full article here