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Prepping & Survival

Human Rights Crisis: Canadians Being Bullied Into Killing Themselves By The Ruling Class

The ruling class of Canada has taken to bullying its slaves into killing themselves. This human rights crisis is going to continue to worsen until a majority of the slave class wakes up to what’s being done to them.

Weak, sick, and elderly Canadians are being offered assisted suicide at an alarming rate in Canada. Not only is the medical establishment attempting to bully them into killing themselves, but they are doing it when the slaves are at their most vulnerable and can be convinced there is no other way out.

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This, coupled with the bird flu scamdemic could be a major depopulation scheme that plays out in the next few months and years.

Jonathon van Maren an author at LifeSiteNews says that he has many fears about Canada’s euthanasia regime. He believes that the activists at Dying with Dignity will succeed in explicitly expanding eligibility to children, the disabled, and those suffering from mental illness; most of which can be fixed by reverting to a proper human diet and simply eliminating the processed foods most medical professionals push on the sick.  Van Maren is also concerned that families will one day be powerless to stop their mentally suffering loved ones from obtaining a lethal injection and that the force of the state will stop them from intervening. He further says that Canada’s ruling class, which is a radical leftist regime,  will strike down attempts to limit the euthanasia regime.

Human beings have become nothing more than mental slaves to their governments. Most still believe they have to obey and that others have the right to rule over them by force. This mentality is sending humanity down a dark abyss quickly, and unless we can wake up more people, we are going to be doomed to be permanent slaves and watch our children be destroyed by the system we helped prop up.

The Path To Freedom & Abolishing Slavery

In no time in history has it been more important to just realize what’s been done to us, just so others can rule. Democracy is still slavery. A republic is still slavery. Communism is still slavery. Rulers don’t care what you call the system used to control you, they only care that you continue to participate in it and justify it.

Canada’s euthanasia scheme is only one small aspect of this massive control system used to dominate and depopulate the rest of us. Its all a part of the global goal for the few to continue to rule the many, and to make it easier for them to continue to stay in power. As long as we obey and comply, we will be treated like their property; to be disposed of when they see fit. And what’s worse, is that they are gaslighting us into believing we are the problem, and not them.

It’s past time to see the ruling class for what it is. If you live under a government (which is a ruling class) you are not free and you never were.

Read the full article here

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