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Prepping & Survival

Bird Flu Is Killing So Many Livestock, Disposal Services Cannot Keep Up

Bird flu-infected livestock is dying at an alarming rate in California, according to KGET an MSNBC affiliate. The report claims that so many cows are dying that disposal services cannot keep up.

In a video taken by Dr. Crystal Heath, a veterinarian and the Executive Director at the nonprofit Our Honor, one can see the dead cows off Mendonsa Farm in Tipton, a farm in Tulare county about 50 miles north of Bakersfield.

“I was shocked that they would have cows on the side of the road like that, uncovered, where anybody driving by could see, ” said Heath. “I was also shocked that there were no warning signs, warning people of this avian outbreak.”

The dead cows are piled against each other with their udders marked with “X’s”. All of them are “confirmed” cases of death from the bird flu.


Western United Dairies, which represents Mendonsa Farms Anja Raudabaugh, the CEO of Western United Dairies, confirmed the farm is now under quarantine as the deaths are confirmed to be from the bird flu virus. “These are sick animals,” Raudabaugh said. “They have to be incinerated, they have to be rendered. The reason that there was a bit of protocol challenge that day is because the rendering trucks are a bit backed up.”

That means that so many cows are dying of bird flu that the disposal services are unable to keep up with demand.

The bird flu has now infected at least six people in California, officials said Monday.

California Has Confirmed a Third Human Case of Bird Flu

The infected humans all work at dairy farms in the Central Valley, where they might have been infected by cows.

Kern County Public Health said the risk of human infection remains low to the general public, but if you’re a farm worker in dairy or poultry farms, to take extra measures to keep yourself safe.

This is the first time a media outlet has said there are enough deaths to back up the disposal services. Does anyone remember during the COVID scamdemic when they lied and said hospitals were full all the time? It’s possible that this is just more propaganda for the next scamdemic. But it’s so hard to tell right now.

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Read the full article here

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