These Types of People Will Turn Into Looters as Soon as SHTF

We’ve all watched it on TV. A natural disaster strikes a region, or a protest turns into a riot, and seemingly normal people start looting with reckless abandon. It’s an all too familiar scene these days, and it’s left a lot of people wondering just how to identify potential looters in hopes of keeping them away from your property.
While there’s no foolproof way to spot a potential looter, modern psychology and sociology do provide some clues to help improve your odds. Understanding these personality types, their triggers, and internal modus might help you decrease your chances of becoming a potential target.
The Unprepared
For blatantly obvious reasons unprepared or under-prepared people are the most likely types of people who will turn to looting. A crisis strikes, and they suddenly realize they don’t have what they need to keep their belly full, and their bottom wiped.
From that point, it’s all too easy for a small moment of desperation to transform into an opportunity to do some serious looting. Especially, if they’re part of a mob of similarly desperate, unprepared people, or the local businesses and homeowners aren’t putting up any serious resistance.
Grocery stores, bulk stores, and big box retailers are usually the first targets for these types of looters. Yet once they feel like they have what they need to keep their family fed they’ll likely turn to sporting goods stores and hardware stores to get the other things they’ll need to sustain themselves if the crisis goes on for more than a few days.
If these unprepared looters know about your prep supplies, they might be bold enough to try to take them from you. Especially if they’re an acquaintance, who feels like they aren’t close enough to be considered a friend.
If you haven’t done so already, you need to looter-proof your property. I personally learned a lot about how to do this from the Bug In Guide by Navy SEAL Joel Lambert. I fully recommend it since it has a dedicated chapter on exactly this topic. It will teach you things like:
- Signs to avoid on your property
- What hiding places looters never check
- How to make your hose invisible after SHTF
- SEAL home survival tactics
- Common security mistakes you’re probably guilty of
Learn more about the book and get your copy here. It will even teach you how to outlive an EMP and has lessons on topics like self-sufficiency. You will not regret it!
People with Addiction Issues
Alcoholics and drug addicts live most of their lives in a state of desperation, that makes them prone to looting when SHTF. These are people who deep down feel or actually need their fix to live. Their brain chemistry is also prone to making choices with lowered inhibitions.
Depending on what they’re addicted to addicts and alcoholics will usually try to loot the liquor store and/or the pharmacy. If they can’t get what they need, or they feel like there isn’t enough to keep them from going into withdrawal, they’ll start looting for other things of value. The hope here is that they can get their hands on something that someone with alcohol or their drug of choice will trade for.
Related: These Common Items Will Become A Luxury When SHTF
Sometimes people with addiction issues will surprise you, and sometimes a SHTF situation will force you out of the blinders you’ve been wearing about a loved one’s looting problems. If there is someone close to you with drug or alcohol problems, and you’ve been looking the other way, your valuables and prep items might be the first thing they loot to afford their fix!
Homeless & Displaced People
People who have lost their homes to natural disasters or individuals who are already homeless are also looting high-risk types to watch out for when SHTF. We need only look at hurricanes and earthquakes in recent history like Katrina and the devastation in Haiti to see how ugly ordinary people can get when displaced from their homes.
The local homeless compound the threat of looting in your area. Many have addiction issues and already live in a state of desperation. They’ve probably spent weeks, months, or even years vagrantly living in your area.
Chances are the local homeless population has window-shopped all the homes and businesses in your area but didn’t dare act on it in normal times. When a SHTF situation descends the area into lawlessness, they’ve already got their looter’s shopping list in their heads.
The Working Poor
People who work hard, yet still struggle financially for other reasons are another type of seemingly normal people who will quickly turn to looting when SHTF. Psychologically, they often have a sense of feeling like they deserve a better standard of life, and act on it when the opportunity presents itself.
Looting like this is often concentrated in low-income housing areas, and businesses near multi-family housing developments. Many times, people are swept up into a form of mob mentality when they see the rest of the neighborhood moving together to loot local businesses.
This was on full display during the LA Riots in 1992 and Minneapolis in 2020. They started out as being racially charged. Yet it didn’t take long for economically disadvantaged people to steal and start burning buildings. In some cases, looters came from other states to exploit the opportunity created by the ongoing civil unrest.
Individuals Who Consume a Lot of Political Social Media
People who are emotionally triggered by social media and political outcry can also become prone to looting. Often social media amplification of messages can drive seemingly normal people to take things into their own hands when SHTF.
Many browsers, phones, and apps that we use every day have algorithms paying attention to the content we consume. These algorithms tend to present us with similar messages that can make certain political events seem larger and more critically threatening than they might be in actuality.
Marketing agencies and social media managers are well aware of the power of this message amplification and often feed the flames. This can push things to the tipping point of civil unrest, triggering seemingly ordinary people to turn to looting when the opportunity arises.
The Negative Person Who Wants It to Happen
People who are going through stressful times, or struggle to feel like they’ve found their place in the world often fantasize about the world hitting a reset button. They might feel that a sprinkle of SHTF here or a major crisis there might be what they need to get back to level ground. They do not want to stay safe.
Unfortunately, the brain reinforces what you tell it. For many of these people, the displeasure they feel in their lives simply carries over to more dangerous degrees when a crisis breaks out in the streets. They become more prone to act on it to feel like this is their chance to get back to good.
Such people are particularly dangerous. Many of them do not have power in their daily lives so they want to hurt others. They might want to loot you even if they do not need nothing from you, secretly hoping for an “exciting” confrontation.
Against such people, being prepared is vital for survival. And everything starts with your property line!
Set up traps like camouflaged spike raps, tripwire alarms, and even hidden razor-blade wire. You can learn how to here. At the very least, you should set up an alarm system to wake you up if someone is sneaking on your property.
The Mentally Ill
Mentally ill individuals and those with developmental disorders are more prone to being swept up in a SHTF crisis. If they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, they can struggle to resist the mob mentality that quickly leads to looting behavior.
This is even more likely to be an issue in a prolonged crisis where mental health medications are in increasingly short supply. If you have a friend or family member with mental health issues, it might be in their best interest to stay at home and out of the fray on the streets. Especially if there is some concern about the lack of medication or therapeutic services.
Video Gamers
There is an addictive quality to modern-day video games that can distort reality for gamers. Many games make it seem way too easy to do heroic things with minimal negative consequences. Their “Guy” dies on the screen and they have to go back to their last save point. There’s no real pain, struggle or hard work to it. The game creates an illusion of a comfort zone. At the same time, the reward centers of the brain are stimulated when a gamer defeats the big boss or wins the championship match.
Someone who spends too much time in this sort of diluted gamer reality can become prone to making bad choices in the real world. On your average Tuesday, this shows up as speeding tickets and maybe even a drunk driving arrest. They might even get caught shoplifting. However, these are just psychological escalation behaviors.
Left unchecked, these gamer-ingrained behavior patterns can make these individuals prone to getting wrapped up in activities that they don’t immediately see as dangerous—especially looting, which is often a common element in many popular video games.
It can be hard to look at someone and know with complete certainty that they’ll turn to looting when SHTF. However, the chances of someone becoming a potential looter do go up if they have other factors that might reduce their mental resilience or real-world ability to care for themselves.
Under-prepared individuals and people displaced by disasters will be prone to looting when SHTF simply to keep their family fed. They didn’t have any proper food stocks prepared, they know it, and they’ll do just about anything to get it.
People with substance abuse issues are also highly prone to looting when a disaster strikes. Liquor stores and pharmacies are top targets, but they might loot other high-value things like electronics or jewelry in hopes of having something to trade for their drug of choice.
You also have to keep an eye out for the mentally ill and local homeless population. Especially those who have lived in the area and might have spent months window-shopping local homes and businesses. When SHTF, they embrace the lawless time as a way to get their hands on the things their eyes have coveted.
What do you think about all this? Did we miss a group of people? Maybe you have first-hand experience with some looters you never saw coming.
We can all learn from you so please share your stories in the comments.
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