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Prepping & Survival

Another Plandemic? Deadly Mosquito Virus Detected In Massachusetts

With bird flu still circulating, but not being transmitted between humans (yet), the monkeypox virus staying in Africa and Asia (for now), and the public losing any kind of fear over the continuing COVID-19 headlines, those at the top appear to be trying something different. There’s now a deadly mosquito virus surfacing in Massachusetts. Could this be another plandemic?

Several towns in Massachusetts have already “taken measures” (in other words, restricted the slave class) to fight the spread of a deadly mosquito-borne virus after one man was hospitalized with it, according to a report by Newsweek. 

Last week, a man in his 80s caught eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), a rare and dangerous disease that kills about 30 percent of the people it infects, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The infected man is currently in the hospital “courageously battling” the virus, Jennifer Callahan, Oxford’s town manager, wrote in a memo, according to the Associated Press.

A family member of the infected man reached out to warn the public. “They want people to be aware this is an extremely serious disease with terrible physical and emotional consequences, regardless if the person manages to live,” she said.

Oxford is one of four Massachusetts towns that said they are at “critical risk,” along with Douglas, Sutton, and Webster. The mini tyrants of each town have urged people to avoid being outside during peak mosquito-biting times. People in those towns should finish outdoor activities by 6 p.m. until September 30th, state health officials said, and after that date, they should try to get inside by 5 p.m. until the first hard frost.

Meanwhile, the town of Plymouth, about 40 miles southeast of Boston, where a horse was found to be infected with the disease, is closing outdoor recreation facilities from dusk until dawn every day. Everyone across Massachusetts has been advised to use mosquito repellents while outside and to drain any standing water around their homes.

More fear-mongering? Just to test to see who complies? What’s really going on and why are there so many “outbreaks” lately? Which one will the rulers use to control the masses next? Probably whichever one is the most “visible”, meaning no one noticed anything out of the ordinary other than the tyranny during COVID. This time, whatever it is will need to do obvious harm.

Is it just another coincidence that there are several “outbreaks” of diseases lately? Is another plandemic in the works?

Read the full article here

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