North Carolina Moves Toward Constitutional Carry with S.B. 50 “Freedom to Carry NC”

RALEIGH, NC — A major pro-Second Amendment bill has been introduced in the North Carolina Senate that would bring the state in line with the growing number of states recognizing the right to carry a concealed firearm without government permission, also known as Constitutional Carry. Senate Bill 50, titled “Freedom to Carry NC,” was filed on February 4, 2025, by Senators Danny Britt, Warren Daniel, and Eddie Settle, marking a significant step toward restoring North Carolinians’ right to self-defense.
If passed, S.B. 50 would eliminate the requirement for a concealed handgun permit, allowing law-abiding citizens who are legally allowed to own a firearm to carry it concealed without a permit. The bill would still keep the existing concealed carry permit system in place for those who want one for reciprocity in other states or other personal reasons.
Key Provisions of S.B. 50
This bill reinforces the right to self-defense while maintaining important safeguards against prohibited individuals carrying firearms. Here’s what it would do:
- Permitless Concealed Carry: Any law-abiding U.S. citizen 18 or older could carry a concealed handgun without first obtaining government permission. If you can legally own a firearm, you can carry it.
- Concealed Carry Permits Still Available: Those who travel frequently and want to carry in states that require a permit will still be able to obtain a North Carolina concealed carry permit. The permit also streamlines firearm purchases by allowing holders to bypass redundant background checks at gun stores.
- Prohibited Persons Still Barred from Carrying: S.B. 50 does not allow felons, fugitives, or other individuals prohibited by law from owning firearms to carry. This ensures that criminals are still held accountable, while law-abiding citizens can exercise their rights.
- Respect for Private Property Rights: Businesses and property owners who wish to prohibit firearms on their premises can still do so by posting appropriate signage.
- Self-Defense Protections in Vehicles and Schools: The bill clarifies that lawful gun owners can store firearms in locked vehicles on government property and allows certain employees who reside on school campuses to keep firearms at their residences or in their vehicles under specific conditions.
Why This Bill Matters
The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental freedom that should not require a government-issued permission slip. Currently, North Carolinians must undergo a government-mandated process—including training, fees, and background checks—to carry concealed, even though open carry is already legal without a permit. S.B. 50 corrects this inconsistency by allowing law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights without unnecessary restrictions.
More than half of U.S. states have already adopted constitutional carry, and the evidence is clear: these laws do not lead to an increase in crime. In fact, violent crime rates have often decreased in states that have removed unnecessary barriers to carrying. Criminals do not follow permitting laws, but armed citizens who can legally defend themselves help deter crime.
Opponents of constitutional carry argue that permit requirements prevent dangerous people from carrying firearms. However, S.B. 50 keeps strong penalties in place for anyone prohibited from possessing a gun, ensuring that criminals who carry illegally will still face consequences.
The Road Ahead
With strong Republican support in the North Carolina General Assembly, S.B. 50 stands a solid chance of passing. However, Governor Roy Cooper, a Democrat who has historically opposed pro-gun legislation, may attempt to block the bill. If that happens, lawmakers will need to push forward to override any veto and secure constitutional carry for North Carolinians.
If you support your right to self-defense without unnecessary government interference, now is the time to contact your representatives and urge them to vote in favor of S.B. 50. North Carolina has the opportunity to join the majority of states that already recognize what the Constitution guarantees—the right to bear arms without government permission.
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