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GREG GUTFELD: Is Kamala Harris morphing into Donald Trump?

So who knew 2024 would give us the greatest tribute band of all? Kamala Harris taking the stage as the Donald Trump experience. It’s true. A decade ago, she was Indian, then she became African American, and now she’s orange Hitler. Credit Trump’s magical power to turn Kamala into a cackling, pant-suited version of himself, because like Joe Biden’s midnight pee, Kamala’s actual policy points are starting to dribble out, and they all come right from the orange guy’s handbook. At this point, you could call it the art of the steal. 

Harris was once cited as the single most liberal member of the U.S. Congress. So liberal, in fact, Bernie was accusing her of stealing his identity and his autographed photo of Che Guevara. But now she’s stealing all of Trump’s moves. It’s clear Trump is winning the war of ideas, but Kamala could win the election by stealing those ideas. It’s kind of smart, you know, morphing into Donald. She has no policy to speak of, so why not just take your competitions? She’s learned from her husband. If you see something you like, help yourself. Whether it’s an idea or a nanny. The hilarious part? All those people who called such positions hateful will now embrace them as joyful.

JOY REID: This is like comfortable, normal, and joyful. That is a powerful thing in campaigns.

MSNBC GUEST: This campaign of infectious and dynamic joy that we’re seeing.

MSNBC HOST: That’s what they want to distract from by trying to tear these two very positive, joyful, energetic people down.

Full of joy is now just another way of saying full of —-. Here’s Kamala’s latest contortion. 

KAMALA HARRIS: When I am president, we will continue our fight for working families of America, including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.

Didn’t I hear that before?

DONALD TRUMP: Those hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips. People making tips. 

Well, I guess if you spend enough time around Joe Biden, his plagiarism skills are bound to rub off. Then there’s illegal immigration. Of course, Trump put in so many executive orders regarding our southern border, he didn’t need a wall. He was the wall. Under Trump, official numbers show border encounters slowed to a fraction of what they’d been under Obama. This is, uh, we have our own department do these charts. Pretty good, huh? Then, of course, Biden took over to welcome invaders he now called newcomers and Hunter called potential baby mamas. Not only did he rescind Trump’s border initiatives, he also did this. 

Wow. Don’t let our brain-dead media tell you otherwise. He made Kamala the border czar, though it had the same impact as naming her the mayor of Munchkinland. Now, after saying she wouldn’t treat migrants as criminals, would ban ICE and support health care for illegals, Harris is now promising strong border security. Well, Kamala, if that’s the promise, why aren’t you and Joe doing it now while you’re still the VP and he’s still above ground? If you’re for border security, Kam, why didn’t you do it when you had the chance? And again, why not do it now? You’re still the czar. 


Fact is, she’s just impersonating, not actually becoming Trump. But maybe she could have Alec Baldwin shoot her in the ear. But these days everything she says is preemptive of Trump. Remember after Trump promised that at the debate that if elected, he’d get hostages home from Russia and suddenly there was a deal? Then there’s Kamala’s position on fracking. She once told CNN, “There’s no question” she’s banning fracking. But now her campaign says that’s just a Trump falsehood because the Dems did the polling and knew she’d get killed on that issue. So her handlers told her to flip. And why not? It works. 

VP Harris

What doesn’t work for the Republicans and Trump to do nothing but scream she’s stealing my stuff! Because the media doesn’t care. No, the smarter move is to point it out and then say, hey voters, can you trust these people? Whenever Dems get closer to an election, they always turn into Republicans because they know that to normal voters, their policies are more repulsive than a wet T-shirt contest at The View. So, how can you trust a party that runs as Republicans but then governs as progressives? You can’t. So, however you vote, shouldn’t you at least be voting for the real thing and not a cheap imitation? One of the advantages of Trump’s gravitational pull, though, is that it can get Kamala further towards him. 

For instance, Trump could release a plan that lowers taxes on small businesses and the middle class. A month of stuff like that and she’ll be eating steaks with ketchup at Mar-a-Lago. Because Trump’s presence is so compelling, he’s able to make everyone pay attention, do the right thing just by looming in the near distance. So voters need to remember that after all the promises, if the Dems win, they fall right back into appeasing the fringe left-wing groups that terrify them. 


It’s like a boyfriend who swears he’s going to be faithful to get his girlfriend back, and as soon as she’s back, he’s right back to banging ——. Only this time, the —— are us. Because we’ll be the ones she’s screwing.

Read the full article here

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