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GOP Talks Guns At USCCA Gathering In Milwaukee

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While the Republican Party has taken most of the references to firearms out of its official Party Platform, a meeting hosted by the U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Tuesday leaves little doubt that the GOP remains steadfastly pro-Second Amendment.

During his tenure in office, former President Trump was a staunch defender of gun rights, with a few exceptions like the recently overturned bump stock ban. And one of his senior campaign officials says that hasn’t changed, and that Trump will continue “supporting and defending” the Second Amendment.

“Something that’s very important to us from a campaign standpoint and an issue standpoint is allowing law-abiding citizens the ability to carry their firearms and protect themselves and their families, and that’s an issue that will always be an important one for the Republican Party,” Chris LaCivita, Trump campaign senior adviser said at the USCCA gathering.

“I think what we’ll see is a continuation of supporting and defending the Second Amendment and where that really comes into play is the judiciary, the appointment of judges. And so that is clearly, you know, one of the largest impacts that President Trump had clearly during his first term was a remake of the judiciary.”

Another participant at the gathering, U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Florida, told reporters after the event that Republicans are “absolutely not” considering changing their position on 2A issues.

“I stand 1,000% convicted in the fact that the Republican Party will always stand for the Constitution and the Second Amendment and our right to bear arms,” Cammack said. “One deranged individual, who clearly needed help, he is not going to change the United States Constitution and our right as Americans to bear arms. Absolutely not.”

Cammack also addressed the estimate that 10 million gun owners and hunters in the united States are not registered to vote.

“That is a missed opportunity for us as 2A advocates to make sure that we are actually doing the work to secure that victory, because we cannot turn the corner into January and start talking about how we’re going to do national reciprocity, if we don’t have the votes,” Cammack said.

Another Congressman attending the event, U.S. Rep. Wesley Hunt, R-Texas, doubled down on support for gun rights, saying that because of shootings like the failed assassination attempt Americans need more guns, not fewer.

“The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” Hunt said. “That son of a bitch is now dead because a good guy with a gun shot him, so let’s keep that in mind. The insinuation that we’re going to just eradicate this country of guns is a ridiculous one, so you better arm yourself accordingly.”

Of course, the so-called “mainstream” media has been on the warpath about the GOP and guns since the shooting on Saturday. Vox.com even posted a story headlined, “Someone tried to assassinate the former president—and the GOP still won’t talk about guns?”

Based on all of the gun-related discussion at the USCCA gathering on Wednesday in Milwaukee, that headline—and others like it—are utter B.S. Then again, what do you expect from the anti-gun media?

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