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Everytown Makes Generous In-Kind Donation to Trump-Vance Ticket

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Everytown for Gun Safety (a.k.a. Gun Control), er really, Everytown for No Guns For Little People has put into words what we all knew would come. Only they did it even faster than we thought possible. In a single meme, they gave American gun owners lots of reasons to vote for the Trump-Vance “Make America Great Again” ticket.

What’s more, Everytown does this something like 48 hours after a radical Act Blue donor shot President Trump in the ear, narrowly missing a head shot assassination. For a 20-year-old social misfit, the murderous lunatic came closer to taking out a president than anyone since the CIA shooters did with Kennedy 60 years ago.

As Glenn Reynolds wrote over at Instapundit, “I ALREADY SUPPORT HIM, YOU DON’T HAVE TO SELL ME.”  [Emphasis caps original.]

Moreover, as political violence escalates this summer prior to the November election – and it very likely will – more and more non-gun owners are going to look around and decide that they don’t have to remain on the gun control plantation.

Like their fellow non-gun owning friends prior to the Covid fiasco, they too can join the gun owning fraternity/sorority and enjoy the proven, potentially life-saving benefits of responsible firearm ownership. They’ll then have the means with which to protect themselves and their family from violent criminal attack when police aren’t nearby. No more cowering in fear as bad people with evil in their hearts approach.

Yes, becoming a gun owner is self-empowerment. You don’t have to live in fear as a defenseless victim.

And lastly, it’s not “gun violence,” but gang violence.  Even Biden’s own Attorney General Merrick Garland said so just a couple of months ago.

Here’s an excerpt:

We’ve written about it repeatedly.  It’s gang violence that’s rampant across America, not so-called “gun violence.” The problem has become so bad that even full-time partisan political hack and part-time Attorney General Merrick Garland admitted as much at an ATF “summit” just days ago. Of course, the mainstream media ignored it. What’s more, his comment even escaped most of the alternative news outlets as well.

Garland abandoned his “Christian Nationalist” and “White Supremacist” bogeymen to admit that gang members and repeat offenders are driving the gun violence problem in America. And for the slow-witted trolls in comments, this isn’t the MAGA gang either.

Here is an excerpt from the transcript provided by the US Department of Justice:

We are using our prosecutorial and technological tools to identify the repeat offenders and gangs who are principally responsible for community violence.

So, on behalf of The People of the Gun, I say “thank you” to Everytown for their generous in-kind donation with the free ad for the Trump-Vance “Make America Great Again” ticket.  You guys and gals are great. Keep those memes coming!

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Read the full article here

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