China Discovers a New Bat-To-Human Coronavirus

Chinese researchers have discovered another coronavirus. This novel bat coronavirus, which uses the same receptor as COVID-19 to infect humans, was discovered by a person working at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The study shows the need to monitor the pathogen to prevent it from spreading as the novel virus represents a distinct lineage of the HKU5 coronavirus, originally identified in the Japanese Pipistrelle bat in Hong Kong.
The study, conducted at the Guangzhou Laboratory, was led by Shi Zhengli, often referred to as “batwoman” because of her extensive work on bat coronaviruses. Zhengli is best known for her work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has been at the center of controversy regarding the origins of Covid-19. While one theory posits a lab leak in Wuhan, Shi has consistently denied that the institute was to blame for the outbreak. -RT
Germ Theory Vs. Terrain Theory: Why You’ve Likely Only Heard Of The First Theory
The Wuhan Institute of Virology has been the center of the “lab leak” theory, which posits that COVID-19 escaped from the lab to infect human beings after controversial gain of function research made it possible to do so.
In December last year, the United States Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic finished a 520-page report on the origin of the infection. The two-year investigation claimed that the Chinese government, along with some international experts and agencies, “sought to cover up facts concerning the origins of the pandemic.”
China has repeatedly rejected the lab leak theory, holding firm that the SARS-CoV-2 virus came from an animal and mutated to infect human beings.
While that could be true, germ theory itself has been called into question as humans try to iron out the lies they’ve been told. It is obvious the whole truth isn’t being stated, and lies are being pushed. But which statements are true?
Do you subscribe to the lab leak theory? What about germ theory? We value your input! Comment below!
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