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Armed Criminal Demands Wallet And Cell Phone But Settles For Forever Nap

911 calls rang out in the early morning hours of September 22nd reporting gunshots and a male seen lying on the ground in Henderson, Nevada, according to officials.

If you need yet another eye-rolling reference to provide the next easily led automaton who questions why you need a gun, here’s one more for the dumpster fire. Now, you never really know what anyone is up to taking a stroll at 4 AM on a Saturday, but Henderson is Las Vegas adjacent and we all know that city never sleeps. Not to mention, this is America, and I’ll take a walk whenever I feel like it. 

While we should be able to take a walk, go to the grocery store or play with our children at the park without fear of violent criminals trying to ruin our day, it seems the powers that be are far too busy trying to restrict law-abiding citizens while all but giving license to those with total disregard for decency. Luckily, although Nevada is looking far too purple for my taste, it is still a state where gun laws are marginally decent, and carrying a gun is still a way of life for many. 

One such individual, our hero in this story, was enjoying those cool morning hours prior to the rise of the blistering desert sun when he was approached by an armed bad guy who demanded he turn over his wallet and cell phone. Having already decided, however, that playing the role of victim just wasn’t his thing, our hero was carrying his own firearm, which he used to politely decline the intrusive demands of our villain, shooting him dead on the spot. Okay, maybe it wasn’t so polite, but you have to admit it was effective, and who can honestly go without their cell phone these days for more than five minutes?

When Henderson Police and Fire Departments responded to the 1000 block of Wellness Place, detectives on the scene were greeted by the only participant of the encounter who still had a heartbeat, a 33-year-old man who was unsurprisingly cooperative with authorities, as most in the 2A community tend to be. 

Officials have preliminarily determined that the man, fearing for his life, fired multiple rounds from his gun striking the unknown male assailant. Ever diligent, paramedics did attempt to save the suspect’s life, but he was pronounced dead at the scene, with no other injuries to report.

Carrying a firearm is a huge responsibility, one that we hope to never unholster. Being prepared and well-trained is a great idea, especially if you live in or around big cities, where violent crime is most prevalent. While an induced dirt nap can be unfortunate, for our shooter it is a fact that means he is still with us today to live his life and pursue his goals, quite how the Founding Fathers meant things to be.

Read the full article here

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