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Traveler’s Gun Rights Act For Active-Duty Military And RV-ers

Representative Dusty Johnson has re-introduced the Traveler’s Gun Rights Act, a bill attending to a Second Amendment issue constraining firearms rights of those who do not use a permanent physical address, such as many active-duty military personnel and those who live and travel via RV. Companion legislation currently in the Senate is being led by Senator Mike Rounds, and both of these gentlemen are representatives of South Dakota, the state I like to call home and one that still represents strong American values and traditions. 

Johnson’s Traveler’s Gun Rights Act seeks to correct the firearms purchasing process and strengthen Second Amendment rights by relieving prejudice against those who work and live as travelers. Current ATF regulations unduly restrict law-abiding RV-ers, active-duty military, military spouses, and others who rely on a P.O. Box as their primary mailing address from obtaining a firearm, many of whom use these alternate addresses on their driver’s licenses. The legislation passed the House Judiciary Committee in January 2024, and Johnson is steadfast in his effort to see it through. 

“Many servicemembers and military spouses haven’t been able to obtain a firearm due to gaps in the address verification process… This is a commonsense bill to ensure these individuals can practice their Second Amendment rights,” says Johnson.

Senator Rounds is equally passionate about Americans not being forced to give up their rights due to a perfectly lawful lifestyle or their willingness to serve and protect the United States.  

“As a hunter, a lawful gun owner, and a supporter of the Second Amendment, I am committed to protecting the rights of lawful gun owners… The laws currently on the books do not go far enough in acknowledging the unique living situations of many Americans, including military families and full-time travelers. These bills would amend the law to remove roadblocks for law-abiding citizens trying to exercise their Second Amendment rights,” said Rounds.

John Commerford, Executive Director of NRA-ILA, aptly describes the “Constitutional catch-22” created by the ATF’s unreasonable restriction that a permanent address be listed on Form 4473 when purchasing a firearm. Commerford points out an agency requirement incongruent with that of other federal regulatory bodies and one that makes me question why the ATF needs to know exactly where the guns are at all times, cynicism well earned by the agency’s constant and wilful disruption of American gun rights. 

“Active-duty military and Americans who travel full-time often use P.O. boxes as their official and legal point of residence… Sadly, what works for the IRS is not good enough for the ATF, leaving those who serve or travel full-time in a Constitutional catch-22. We thank Rep. Dusty Johnson for his commitment to defending the Second Amendment for all Americans,” says Commerford.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) threw its support behind the bill and showed appreciation for Johnson’s efforts, with Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane speaking on behalf of active-duty service members and their family’s right to bear arms. 

“Americans, especially our active-duty military members, should never be denied the full spectrum of their Second Amendment rights simply because they use a post office box address instead of a physical address… This legislation is a simple fix to an overlooked problem that unfortunately disenfranchises law-abiding citizens of their ability to lawfully purchase a firearm. It still requires all the safeguards to ensure firearms remain out of the hands of those who should never possess them. Congressman Dusty Johnson’s leadership on the Traveler’s Gun Rights Act to ensure those with unique living situations are not denied their rights is commendable,” said Keane. 

While I have long been aware of the P.O. Box restriction on Form 4473, I have to confess that this situation never occurred to me, however, now that I’m aware, I find it reprehensible that travelers and military families have been prejudiced like this for so long. While I am shocked that nothing has been done previously to relieve this injustice, I am thankful to Representative Johnson and Senator Rounds for addressing it and standing up for America’s Second Amendment liberties. 

Read the full article here

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