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New Jersey Governor Pushes Higher Taxes on Guns & Ammo

With leftist states in a frenzy, introducing new measures to infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans, it should come as no surprise that New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is throwing his state’s hat in the ring in the race to become the country’s biggest dumpster fire. Murphy’s new proposal to tax a Constitutional right by imposing increased taxes and fees on firearms and ammunition is further igniting controversy over gun rights, and critics are already calling it an assault on the Second Amendment.

Let’s put this in perspective, however, for conservatives who, for whatever reason, choose to remain in New Jersey and contribute to its economy. Murphy’s position when it comes to taxing his constituents into the ground is well-established. Currently in his second term, the Democrat governor has presided over the country’s highest property tax rate, the third highest individual income tax rate, and an overall tax competitiveness rank of 49th in the United States, sandwiched between New York and California. But neither the overwhelming strain this puts on New Jersey residents nor his proclivity for trampling upon their rights is unpredictable from a man who has publicly suggested that businesses and families should either get with his pro-tax program or get out.

“If you’re a one-issue voter and tax rate is your issue, either a family or a business, if that’s the only basis upon which you’re going to make a decision, we’re probably not your state,” Murphy said in 2019. 

Murphy’s arrogant and flippant attitude towards those he governs tells you everything you need to know about whether New Jersey is a place you want to raise a family or invest in a business. Knowing this, what expectations could one possibly have from this Bolshevik when it comes to respect for their right to bear arms? Spoiler alert. The answer is none. 

Murphy’s two-pronged approach to targeting gun owners in an attempt to price them out of their Second Amendment rights includes a 2.5% excise tax on all firearm sales and a 10% tax on ammunition purchases, a seemingly genius marketing strategy had he been employed on behalf of Pennsylvania retailers across state line. I’m just saying. 

What’s Murphy’s Law? What can go wrong will go wrong, and the symmetry of comrade bozo’s name is almost more than I can bear, as he’s not stopping with increased taxes alone. Murphy plans to significantly hike fees on firearm purchaser identification (FID) cards and related permits, an insult to the Founders and the Constitution itself but a more expensive insult if he gets his way. Details behind the proposed hikes include FID cards jumping from $5 to $100, with carry permits rising to as much as $400 from their current price of $50. 

“This is about keeping our communities safe and ensuring that those who choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights contribute to the broader public good,” Murphy said during a press conference.

Every law-abiding, tax-paying American contributes to the broader public good. This proposal has nothing to do with safety and, in his own words, everything to do with singling out those who choose to exercise a Constitutionally protected right. 

Since there is seemingly no end to the leftist circumvention of our civil liberties, I say it’s high time conservative states start playing these same games. If we should impose punitively upon the First Amendment, for example, taxing speech that is considered gender-affirming, pro-Hamas, or supportive of any group or ideology that flies in the face of American values, would Democrats cry foul and start waving the Bill of Rights? You bet they would. But if it isn’t an infringement upon the Second, then surely it couldn’t be an infringement upon the First. Two can play.

At the end of the day, if this is how you want to live, enjoy the rotting produce of the Garden State.

Read the full article here

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