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Armed Citizen Stops A Man Trying To Run Over Three People

In yet another example of how people bent on mayhem and murder will find any way to accomplish their evil plans, a Columbus, Ohio, man has been arrested after allegedly attempting to run over three people with his vehicle following an argument. Sure, who hasn’t thought this was the best way to resolve a conflict? Fortunately, in yet another shining example, it was ultimately an armed citizen who stopped it from happening. 

Alexander Oglesby, 32, of Northeast Columbus reportedly drove his car onto the front lawn of a residence in the 1800 block of Noe Bixby Road in the early morning hours of October 5. The suspect intended to use his vehicle to run down three people in response to an argument that had taken place between the individuals earlier that evening.

According to police, it was around 2 a.m. when the attack occurred, an altercation that could have ended in significant tragedy had it not been for one of the would-be victims pulling a firearm and taking a shot at Oglesby who was doing his best impression of Stunt Man Mike from the campy 2007 thriller, Death Proof. Unfortunately, nobody put a stop to that film’s production before it was too late, unlike this incident which came to an immediate halt when our armed citizen’s bullet struck the suspect in self-defense. 

Oglesby was transported to a local hospital where he was treated for his injuries before taking a taxpayer-funded ride to the Franklin County Jail where he was subsequently charged with three counts of felonious assault. While felonious assault charges are considered a second-degree felony in Ohio, and a conviction can result in significant prison time, I can’t really wrap my head around the idea that this isn’t attempted murder. 

Upon investigation, Columbus Police have concluded the obvious, calling the shooting an act of self-defense. I have to hand it to the shooter here as it can’t be easy to make a shot like that with adrenaline pumping and a vehicle barreling toward you. It is important to remember that there is never any argument that can not be de-escalated before someone decides to run people over with their car, however, people make strange and unaccountable decisions nonetheless. In this case, swift action saved not only our armed citizen’s life but the lives of two other people who, I’m positive, are grateful he had a gun that night. 

Read the full article here

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