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Prepping & Survival

All “Red Lines” Have Been Crossed: Get Ready For The Wrath Of The “Islamic Revolution”

The mainstream media is saying that Israel has crossed all of the red lines when it comes to a massive war in the Middle East, which would likely end up being World War III. But is the Jewish state ready for the “Islamic Revolution” that’s being threatened?

Tensions in the region have been flung sky-high in the wake of the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah. This could cause an “Islamic Revolution” if the media is to be believed. Israel’s killing of Nasrallah has significantly heightened the risk of a large-scale military conflict in the Middle East and if that does happen, this one could be disastrous for the region and even for the world at large.

Although it hasn’t yet, amid threats from Islamic groups and states, Nasrallah’s death could trigger a series of retaliatory strikes and large-scale military operations, which would further destabilize the situation in the region and pose a threat to global energy markets and international security. Considering the recent assassinations of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and one of Hezbollah’s founders, Fuad Shukr, in Beirut, it’s clear that Israel isn’t about to stop.

In 1992, Nasrallah became Hezbollah’s leader following the assassination of his predecessor, Hezbollah Secretary-General Abbas al-Musawi. At that time, Nasrallah was just 32-years-old. Under his leadership, the small movement, which was primarily aimed at resisting Israeli forces in Lebanon, evolved into a military power that surpassed the Lebanese Army.

Under Nasrallah, Hezbollah also became a major political force that established its own social programs, centers, and medical facilities. It also became a crucial instrument in Iran’s strategy to expand its regional influence. Hezbollah trained Hamas fighters and Shiite rebels in Iraq and Yemen, and received missiles and munitions from Iran for attacking Israel. As a result, the movement became a major thorn in Israel’s side, and Western Jerusalem vowed to eliminate it. –RT

Nasrallah is said to have been the one who ensured the intensification of the fight with Israel. However, every response from Hezbollah and Lebanon up to this point has been lackluster at best. This is good, considering that restraint keeps the world from another global war.

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Russia’s similar restraint is also keeping the conflict in Ukraine in check. If either decided it was time to really attack their “enemy”, things would get ugly very quickly. For now, we appear to be cooler and calmer.

Read the full article here

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