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Prepping & Survival

Another Empty Threat? Russia Warns Ukriane Over Kursk Attack

Russia is once again using rhetoric to warn Ukraine after it attacked Kursk. Kiev deserves nothing but defeat and unconditional surrender, Russia’s deputy United Nations envoy has said.

Ukraine’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk Region is “a fatal mistake” that Kiev will regret bitterly, Moscow’s first deputy permanent representative to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, has warned.

Russia has been warning both Ukraine and its Western backers for quite some time without any meaningful response. However, its lack of response is one of the few things left keeping the world from experiencing World War 3. Once Russia loses its patience, this could get very ugly very quickly.

Russia’s Medvedev Says It Should “Go Further” Against Ukraine

On August 6, Ukrainian forces launched their largest attack on Russian territory since the outbreak of the conflict in February 2022. The advance of Kiev’s troops was swiftly halted by Russian forces, but they remain in control of several settlements in Kursk Region. According to the local governor, at least 12 civilians have been killed and another 121 wounded as a result of the incursion, with more than 120,000 residents forced to evacuate. -RT

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow was ready to immediately open peace talks with Kiev if it were to withdraw its troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, and the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, which officially became part of the Russian state in the fall of 2022.

Back in June, Russian ruler Vladimir Putin said that Ukraine should have also committed to maintaining a neutral status, “demilitarization” and “denazification” as part of a possible deal. However, Ukraine’s ruler, Vladimir Zelensky, instantly rejected the offer, calling it an unacceptable “ultimatum.”

Another Empty Threat? Russia Tells U.S. It Will Retaliate Over Sevastopol Missile Strike

How many more times is Russia going to toss around threats it doesn’t intend to follow through on? Is it simply to ratchet up tensions until they decide to retaliate? Is it all fear-mongering or a psychological operation? At this point, who knows, but based on Russia’s previous warnings, this one is likely to be meaningless as well.

Russia Issues Another Warning, This Time To Israel

Read the full article here

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