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Armed Citizen Shoots Man Who Attacked Him With Metal Pipe, U-Haul Truck

A violent incident in San Mateo involved a man being attacked with a metal pipe and subsequently shooting his attacker, who had driven a U-Haul truck towards him. Both parties were hospitalized but are expected to survive.

SAN MATEO, CA (2-minute read) — A confrontation in San Mateo escalated into a violent encounter on Friday when a man was attacked with a metal pipe before retaliating with gunfire. The incident occurred around 8 a.m. near the intersection of 19th Avenue and Grant Street.

According to the San Mateo Police Department, the altercation began when the suspect drove to the location in a U-Haul truck and engaged in a verbal argument with the victim. As the argument intensified, the suspect returned to the truck, retrieved a metal pipe, and began assaulting the victim. The victim sustained multiple injuries to his head and arms from the pipe attack.

In an act of self-defense, the victim then pulled out a .22 caliber pistol and shot the suspect. Despite his injuries, the suspect managed to return to the U-Haul, reverse the vehicle, and attempt to run over the victim. However, instead of hitting the victim, the suspect crashed into the victim’s car.

The suspect fled the scene but was later found at a hospital in Palo Alto, where he is being treated for his gunshot wounds and is expected to survive. The victim, who was also hospitalized due to the injuries inflicted by the metal pipe, has since been released.

This incident highlights the unpredictable nature of confrontations and the potential for escalation into violence. Responsible firearm ownership and the importance of being armed and prepared are crucial in such situations. Firearms should always be used as a last resort, and individuals must be aware of their rights and responsibilities when it comes to self-defense.

Safety Tip: Always be aware of your surroundings and try to de-escalate verbal arguments before they turn physical. In situations where self-defense is necessary, understand and adhere to local laws regarding firearm use.

Read the full article here

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