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Everytown Press Release Highlights Kamala’s Gun-Ban Record

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A press release from so-called Everytown for Gun Safety purports to explain what “Freedom from Gun Violence” would look like under a Kamala Harris presidency. What it really does, however, is list numerous reasons why no gun owner should even consider voting for the current vice president on Election Day.

“In the lead up to the Democratic National Convention, Everytown for Gun Safety, along with its grassroots arms Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, will work to ensure voters get the facts about Vice President Harris’ strong record of keeping communities safe from gun violence—and what her presidency would mean for the future of gun safety,” the press release stated.

That’s when it gets weird. Somehow, the organization that is dedicated to doing away with rights and freedoms for America’s gun owners thinks a Trump presidency would infringe upon its freedom.

 “At a time when extremists are attacking our rights, it is more important than ever to elect a president who will not only fight to protect our freedoms but also expand them. That person is Kamala Harris,” said Angela Ferrell-Zabala, executive director of Moms Demand Action.

Ironically, the press release then goes on to explain, in great detail, a large number of ways Harris has tried to—and still intends to—infringe upon the actual Constitutional rights of lawful American gun owners.

“Throughout her career, Harris has been a vocal advocate for reinstating a ban on assault weapons, the weapon of choice for mass shooters and extremists,” the release stated. “In the Senate, Harris cosponsored the Disarm Hate Act to prohibit individuals convicted of all violent hate crimes from purchasing and possessing firearms. Harris has also cosponsored Senate legislation to regulate dangerous firearms and accessories, including ghost guns, large-capacity magazines, 3D-printed guns, bump stocks and other devices designed or function to accelerate the rate of fire of semi-automatic weapons. The Biden-Harris Administration implemented life-saving rules to regulate ghost guns and arm-brace-equipped assault weapons.” 

Of course, the release also included a number of other “accomplishments” for Harris during her time in public office. It highlighted her championing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), which she and President Joe Biden have used to further infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms.

The release also bragged that Harris was tabbed by President Biden to head the White House Office of Violence Prevention. In that effort, however, Harris has accomplished absolutely nothing, and if she loses the November election that office will almost certainly be relegated to the dustbin of history.

The release also highlighted how Harris wants to bankrupt firearms manufacturers with her efforts to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), wants to ban private gun sales by instituting so-called “universal” background checks and wants to see microstamping mandates for gun producers. All, of course, are completely reprehensible.

In the end, the reasons Everytown believes Americans should elect Harris are the exact reasons that Americans shouldn’t even consider voting for her. We appreciate Everytown’s efforts in pointing out just how bad of president she’d be for lawful American gun owners.

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