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Utah Homeowner and Neighbor Both Shoot Aggressive Pit Bulls in Self-Defense

OGDEN, UT — A homeowner in Ogden reported that he and a neighbor shot two pit bulls in self-defense on Monday after the dogs cornered, attacked, and charged at them.

Dane Wise recounted the incident, explaining that the dogs entered his cul-de-sac in the evening while he was working on his truck in a covered area outside his home. The dogs became aggressive, barking, growling, and attempting to approach him.

“They started getting aggressive and barking at me and growling and trying to get up on the thing,” Wise told KSL TV. “I had a hammer — because I was working on my truck. I threw it.”

After the dogs ran off, Wise went inside to retrieve his gun. Upon returning, he heard the dogs growling at his next-door neighbor and saw that they had cornered him.

“They were after him so he took one out and as soon as he shot his gun, the other pit bull came at me and charged me and I shot him at point blank,” Wise said.

Wise reported that he shot the charging dog multiple times, but it survived. The dog his neighbor shot did not survive.

Apologies and Investigation

According to Wise, the dogs had identification chips, and their owners arrived at the scene shortly after.

“We both apologized and told them we were sorry it had to happen that way and they seemed OK with it — obviously upset and somewhat mad,” Wise said. “I understand that, but, hey, we’ve got children here and we’re going to keep them safe.”

An animal control officer on scene informed KSL TV that the incident was under investigation. Wise mentioned that the pit bulls were believed to have come from several blocks away and had previously bitten another neighbor a couple of weeks earlier.

A spokesman for the Ogden City Police Department confirmed that the owners had been cited for the previous incident and that one dog had died while the other was receiving veterinary care.

Reflections on the Incident

Wise, who described himself as a “dog lover,” expressed regret over the incident.

“We didn’t know what to expect,” Wise said. “I don’t like what happened. I’m not proud of it in any way at all. Certainly, I feel like we’re safer, you know, and it’s a shame it even had to come to that.”

This incident highlights the need for understanding self-defense against animals. It’s crucial to stay aware of your surroundings and recognize signs of an imminent animal attack. Always try to create a barrier between yourself and the animal, and seek higher ground if possible. When using a firearm for defense, aim for vital areas to stop the threat quickly and effectively. Understanding local laws regarding the use of force in such situations is essential. Being prepared and informed can help ensure the safety of yourself and others while minimizing harm to the animal whenever possible​​.

Read the full article here

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