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Andddd There He Goes: Biden Wastes No Time to Attack ARs

Joe Biden

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So, when Democrats and Republicans alike all called for a softening to the hate and vitriol used in the run up to the current election following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, we wondered how long it might be before it was again politics as usual. Looks like for Joe Biden, who just days before the assassination attempt, urged his fellow Dems that “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” it took less than three days.

Biden backtracked from his statements about Trump prior to the shooting in an NBC News interview, saying it wasn’t what he meant and admitting it was a poor choice of words, and while he hasn’t gone after the Donald directly just yet, he has turned his message back toward another favorite scapegoat to his policies…AR-style rifles.

The Guardian reported the following on Tuesday:

Biden says ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 rifle used in Trump assassination attempt

Joe Biden is commenting at length about the toll gun violence takes on American communities, and singled out the impact of assault weapons such as the AR-15.

“An AR-15 was used in the shooting of Donald Trump. This was the assault weapon that killed so many others, including children. It’s time to outlaw them,” Biden said.

In what was likely a reference to his involvement in passing the 1994 assault weapons ban, which expired 10 years later, Biden said: “I did it once, and I will do it again.”

Never mind that the attempt on a politician from any lofty perch at a distance would arguably best be achieved with a bolt-action rifle in a heavier caliber, Biden is only too eager to go after the 5.56-caliber rifle because it looks like a “weapon of war.” Historical note for Biden and other fools as shortsighted as him, at one time, single-shot, front-loading muskets were “weapons of war.” They were weapons that actually helped free the colonies from British rule and give birth to this great nation, just as the AR is the one that helps keep our country free today.

Had the Secret Service, under his presidency, did a better job, the story on the assassination attempt would have been but a blip on the Sunday news show circuit and forgotten about by Monday. Hard to blame a gun for that.

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